How Churches Use the 3G Method for Growth

Readership: 10 Books to Make You Better This Year


Readership: Reading for the purpose of developing a higher level of leadership in one's life. (H Tolbert definition)

Not many things have impacted me as much as reading. I wasn't always a reader, but when I discovered the effects of reading it changed my life. By reading a book, you allow the author to pour into you their vast wisdom and experience, bypassing all the years of training and failure they went through. I don't know about you, but I love a good short cut that could save you years of your life. 

Over the years, I have read many books. Here are 10 books (not including the Bible) that have left a lasting impact on me.

  1. The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg- This is my favorite book right now (although The Alchemist is making a strong push). Ortberg offers the reader a strategy to better understand the unique way you were created by God. His insights and wisdom are equally encouraging and challenging. 
  2. What’s Best Next by Matt Perman- Perman here offers a "theology of work" that helps the reader prioritize the value of daily tasks. Great for those who are striving to create a work/life balance.
  3. The Making of a Leader by Frank DaMazio- This is less a book and more a manual for ministry leaders. DaMazio covers just about every topic related to Christian leadership. I work through this book at a pace of few pages per month.
  4. Hero Maker by Dave Ferguson- The real value of your life will be seen in what you do for others. Ferguson drives homes this idea by highlighting the need for us to abandon being heroes in the traditional sense so that we can instead become Hero Makers. 
  5. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero- Scazerro's work offers a chance to revisit how we define health in the Christian arena. He argues that we have wrongly ignored our emotional health in the pursuit of spiritual things.
  6. Predictable Success by Les McKeown- Written from a business perspective, Predictable Success walks through the life cycle of an organization. Helping its readers see where their organizations are and how to get where they want to go.
  7. Start with Why by Simon Sinek- When you understand WHY something is important it becomes easier to know who to do it with and how to do it.
  8. With by Skye Jethani- Many people are relating to God in ways that breed unhealthy habits and wrongs ideas of who He is. Here, Jethani encourages us to move from these wrong postures and to embrace life WITH God.
  9. Margin by Richard Swenson- We live over-committed lives. Margin offers practical solutions to help us focus on maintaining enough space in our lives to enjoy it along the way.
  10. Leading Change by John Kotter- People struggle with change. Kotter offers a manual for how to lead an organization through significant changes without tearing everything apart.

What books have you read that impacted you the most?

In the past year, 42% of pastors have considered leaving the ministry. 

The reasons vary. Some are overwhelmed, some over worked, some just plain tired.

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